Helping others has always been very important to me. In the fall of 2009, I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Haiti with a local church. While in Haiti, I was able to help prepare a new school for its grand opening, as well as help at an already established school. Working with the children and teachers and seeing their smiling faces despite their circumstances was humbling. It was a truly unforgettable experience that will always be in my In July of 2015, I will be traveling to Guadalajara, Mexico with Project Kids Network. Once in Guadalajara, we will be volunteering at a local soup kitchen as well asa children's church camp. We will also be helping with maintenance and construction at a local orphanage. Traveling to Mexico on this mission trip will be the experience of a lifetime. I am so excited to have this opportunity to travel to Mexico and, hopefully, have a positive impact on someone's life.Any donation is very much appreciated. Thank you so much!